2017년 5월 30일 화요일

Lock Buttons

Lock Buttons - Privacy Policy

Quick App Switch requires following permission from your phone.

1. android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

When you receive a phone call, If Lock Buttons working,  you can't touch buttons properly.
So this app check your phone state while buttons are blocked.

This app retrieves your phone state only if it is idle/ringing/call in progress. 
This app collect no information related to your privacy.

please contact hjryoo72@gmail.com

2017년 5월 2일 화요일

Quick App Switch - Privacy Policy

Quick App Switch requires next permission from your phone.

1. android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

Proximity sensor is triggered When you receive a phone call, which also triggers Quick App Switch.
So this app check your phone state when proximity sensor works. 
This app retrieves your phone state if it is idle/ringing/call in progress.  \

This app collect no information related to your privacy.


please contact hjryoo72@gmail.com